Town Of Richmond


Joy Lewis

Richmond Town Hall
8690 Main Street
Honeoye, NY 14471
(585) 229-1128

Honeoye-Richmond Historical Society Museum

The museum is located in the back room of the Richmond Town Hall. Regular hours are as follows; tours are available by appointment by contacting Richmond Historian Joy Lewis at (585) 229-1128.


Summer Hours:
May - September
Saturday Mornings: 9:30 - 11:30

Winter Hours:
October - April
Open only by Appointment
Call the Historian's office: 229-1128


 Historical Records in the Town of Richmond

Joy Lewis is the Richmond Town Historian. Her office is located in the back of the Town Hall, and the usual hours are Wednesdays from 9 to Noon. However, you can make an appointment by calling
(585) 229-1128 and arranging a convenient time to visit. 


On file are hundreds of documents pertaining to the history of Richmond and its families. Most inquiries can be handled by the historian, but be aware that statistics regarding marriage and birth were not recorded before 1870, and information pertaining to property ownership is on file at the Ontario County Archives in Hopewell.


Read about the history of the Town of Richmond


 Town History Online