Town Of Richmond
 Boards & Committees 

Richmond Town Board


Regular Board Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month

beginning at 7:00 PM.
Other Special Meetings may be scheduled as needed.


To access the meetings online:


For Agendas and Information on upcoming meetings, see

Town Board Meetings


To participate in Town Board Meetings, please refer to Privilege of the Floor policy posted at the bottom of the page.



The Town of Richmond is governed by the Town Board, which consists of four Council Members and the Town Supervisor.  Town Board members have a term of four years. The Town Supervisor has a term of two years. Town elections are held in odd numbered years, with new terms starting the following January 1. Although these positions are part-time, the responsibilities of the Town Board are significant. The Town Board manages the day-to-day operations of the Town Government and is accountable for the health, safety, and welfare of all citizens.


The Town Supervisor serves as the Budget Officer for the Town, and shares financial oversight responsibilities with the Town Board.  As such, the supervisor is responsible for implementing policies established by the Town Board for operational and fiscal matters of the Town government. The Town Board adopts a budget every year, which includes funding for a vast array of Town services.


The Town Board, as the executive body of the Town, acts as a unit and must function as a body. An individual Board member may not unilaterally act on behalf of the Town Board. No Town Board Member has more or less authority than any other Board member. Therefore, no Board member can legally act independently for the others or outside the Board. No single member of the Town Board can act for or commit the Board as a body to any particular program or policy. They also fill vacancies in town offices, may select a town attorney and town engineer, appoint constables and provide for hiring of such other employees as necessary to conduct the town's business.


Prior to 1964, authority for Town Board action had to be in specific state legislation or in the Constitution. Since that date, however, towns have had constitutional home rule powers. Towns are able to enact local laws regarding subjects within the realm of "property, affairs and government" of the town, provided the laws are not inconsistent with the Constitution or a law of general statewide applicability enacted by the State Legislature. In addition, towns may adopt local laws concerning a number of other subjects specified in the Constitution and the Municipal Home Rule Law, so long as they are not inconsistent with general law applicable to all towns, and provided there is no statutory restriction against such local law.


Since 1974, with certain exceptions, towns may even supersede some provisions of Town Law regardless of their general applicability. Besides the above described legislative powers, Town Law and other state statutes contain authority for Town Boards to act in a variety of specific areas. These have been amended over the years where Town Boards now have the authority to supply almost every public function or service that any other municipality may provide, subject to the function's specific rules and procedures.

Town Board Members

Daryl Marshall, Supervisor
Email/Phone: supervisor / 229-2158
Term Ends: 12/31/2025


Steve Barnhoorn, Board Member

Email/Phone: sbarnhoorn / 229-2217
Term Ends: 12/31/2027


Devan Cornish, Board Member

Email/Phone: dcornish / 474-5375
Term Ends: 12/31/2025


Scott Flynn, Board Member

Email/Phone: sflynn
Term Ends: 12/31/2025


Randy Deck, Board Member

Email/Phone: rdeck
Term Ends: 12/31/2027



Town Board Meeting Minutes


Town Board Agendas, Resolutions and Notices (Early 2020 and before)

Town Board Meeting Minutes: 2019-2020

Archived Town Board Meeting Minutes: 2016-2018

Archived Town Board Meeting Minutes: 2014-2015

Archived Town Board Meeting Minutes: 2009-2013

Archived Town Board Meeting Minutes: 2006-2008

Privilege of the Floor (PDF - 85.5 KB)